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Public Events

Sacred Hearth Market Stall

Chloe hosts regular Market Stalls at various Saturday and Sunday Markets throughout Perth, offering 15 & 30-minute Healing Sessions (massage, Reiki, Reflexology &/or Sound Healing) on your choice of our massage table, seated massage chair, or reclining reflexology chair. She also sells Gift Vouchers and accepts appointment bookings for full-length In-Studio Appointments and Classes.

These Market appearances give you the opportunity to meet Chloe in person, and discuss or experience Sacred Hearth's offerings before committing to a full session or class at the studio. Chloe also brings a variety of crystals and instruments for you to experience and is available to answer any questions you may have about our offerings or how to book a class or session.

To find out when and where Chloe will be appearing next, follow us on Facebook and Instagram HERE, or join our Mailing List HERE!

Seasonal Celebrations (Currently on Hold)

Chloe hosts eight yearly Seasonal Celebration Circles inspired by the eight seasonal Sabbats found within the Wheel of the Year! These Sacred Circles will be focused on honouring and celebrating the dance of duality between light and dark, and the Birth, Growth, Death and Rebirth cycle that permeates our Earthly-Human experience, as reflected by the Earths Seasonal shifts.
Each circle will include an introduction to the Sabbat that is being honoured via a meditative immersion, a short Movement/Yoga practice, Sound Healing, a Heart Circle, closing meditation, and a simple feast (light drinks and nibbles). 
We have also created Facebook events for each Circle to offer more information on what they are about and what will be included, just follow the links below!
Yule Immersion ~ Next date TBA
Imbolc Immersion ~ Next date TBA
Ostara Immersion ~ Next date TBA
Beltane Immersion ~ Next date TBA
Lithia Immersion ~ Next date TBA
Lughnasadh Immersion ~ Next date TBA
Mabon Immersion ~ Next date TBA
Samhain Immersion ~ Next date TBA
Tickets for each Circle will be released one month before they are set to occur (pre-sale packages are available by request, for those who wish to book in for multiple Circles in advance), beginning with an Early Bird price of $44 for the first two weeks following the release, then prices will revert to the full amount of $55 up until the event.
Although ticket sales will continue right up until the day of the event, we recommend purchasing all tickets as early as possible as spaces are limited to 9 attendees per Circle.
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