One-on-One & Pairs | In-Person | 60 to 120 minute classes
Yoga is an ancient and intricate system of principles, philosophies and practices that recognise the multi-dimensional nature of the Human Being, viewing the body, breath and mind as a union of these multi-dimensional aspects. The system and various techniques of Yoga work to cultivate a deeper experience of that union, cultivating higher consciousness, and a greater sense of Self-Awareness, health and happiness.
A deep and clear sense of Self-Awareness is what allows us to understand and address our needs effectively. Awareness of our Minds - the thoughts, stories, mental programs and psychological conditionings we carry - our Bodies - their functions, strengths, weaknesses, flexibility, adaptability and the conditionings we carry in our tissues - and our Spirits - the consciousness or awareness residing within all of us. Cultivating this deep connection and intimacy with the whole Self is the true therapeutic magic of Yoga.
Chloe's Yoga classes include techniques such as static holds and dynamic movements, breath awareness and breathing exercises, relaxation and concentration, self-inquiry and meditation. These techniques work to tune out the noise of the external world, and assist you in tuning in to your Self so that you may relax into the present moment, and rest in the naturalness of your Being. With each class you can expect a drop in meditation, gentle mindful movements to warm up the body and continue bringing the awareness into the present moment, Yoga postures, functional movements and stretches, and a final relaxation and closing meditation.
Explore the styles of Yoga we offer, as well as our class options and pricing, below.
Intuitive Guidance
Intuition is your internal guidance system, or inner tuition. In a philosophical sense, it is pure, untaught, non-inferential knowledge. Intuitive Guidance arises from within the Being, the unconditioned inner space of pure existence, and can only be truly heard when one has emptied themselves of all external conditionings and 'noise', coming to rest in a state of equilibrium within the Being. When the mind and spirit are clear, balanced and at peace, your intuition will have the freedom and space to flow and be heard by the heart, without being confused for impulse, or second guessed and questioned by the mind.
Intuition can be difficult for many people to understand and connect with as it is more of a feeling and an experience than an intellectual concept. As Humans, we often struggle to accept things we cannot understand with the intellect, as the mind and its perceptions are the primary way in which we learn to understand, relate to, and interact with our external reality. As this intellectual, thoughtful, mental approach to life is so ingrained in our very way of being, it can be one of the most difficult conditionings to overcome. Intuition offers something deeper than intellectual and conceptual understanding. Intuition is a heart based knowing of the truth. Chloe always uses intuitive guidance to inform her healing sessions, however, she can also offer assist you in connecting to your own intuition as part of your healing session.
Experience this modality in our Intuitive Healing container!